My name is

Allie Lingen

and I'm a Data Analyst

A Quick Background

I'm based in

Grand Rapids, MI

I have experience in

Tableau, sql, python, Excel, Google analytics

My dream job is a

Data analyst in a supportive team and an exciting organization

Tableau Projects

Product Line Performance

Visit my Tableau Public page to find the interactive versions of these projects

Airplane and Wildlife Collisions from 2001-2015

Air BnB Listing Information from 2016

SQL Projects

Learn about Scranton's top paper company

Built using

Visit my Github to find the full size Images and code

SQL Continued

Learn about gaming trends with Twitch users

Built on

Excel Projects

Check out call center operating metrics on this excel dashboard

Learn about bike purchase trends through this interactive excel dashboard


I Love

This Is my cat Remi. My husband and I rescued him from a shelter In 2020.

Woman Practicing Yoga

I have a passion for working out through doing strength training and yoga!

Dumbbell Weights Illustration

I love getting to travel with my husband! The first picture Is from a trip we took to Colorado (one of my favorite places to visit). The second picture Is from a weekend trip to Mackinac Island. The Island Is bikes only which Is my favorite part.

I have a love for baking and finding healthy ways to make tasty treats. I also have a new found love for cooking and learning a new recipe weekly!

Watercolor Baking Supplies
Frying Pan

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Email Address

My Github

Connect With Me
